how are you measuring? 18 weeks 2 days (The ultrasound on 1/18 showed the baby was measuring 2 days ahead)
size of baby? Large Mango, 6 in 8 ozheartbeat? 153 (as of 2/17/12)
total weight gain/loss? + 6 lbs (as of 2/17/12)
total weight gain/loss? + 6 lbs (as of 2/17/12)
maternity clothes? I am still wearing normal shirts. I wear the maternity pants to work just because they are so comfortable. My jeans are starting to get a little uncomfortable while sitting down. EEEK!!! It might be time to get some maternity jeans.
stretch marks? Nope. Still using Burt's Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter.sleep? I've been sleeping much better now that my cold is over. I haven't been getting up to use the restroom at all which has been nice.
best moment this week? This was a fun week for us as we celebrated our 2 year anniversary with a Kansas City staycation. We had a great weekend! We talked about how this is our last anniversary just the two of us. It's been easy to leave Yeah-Yeah at the apartment over night while we go stay at a hotel, but next year we definitely won't be able to do that. It's so crazy how our world will soon be flipped upside down in 5 short months!
movement? The movement is starting to get more frequent and a little stronger. I have been feeling movement every day and even sometimes during the day. It's so fun! Eric has tried to feel it but it's still not strong enough to feel from the outside.
food cravings? Salty things right now. hmmm
gender predictions? Still going to say girl.
what i miss: My clothes fitting me nicely. I still feel like I'm in that awkward stage of has she gained weight or is she pregnant. I don't feel like I have a true baby bump right now, so if I wear a tighter shirt it makes me look thick :( what i'm looking forward to: For Eric to feel the little one move. He is so anxious and excited to feel movement. He is going to make such a great father. Seeing the excitement he shows when talking about this little one just brings such joy to me. I just want him to experience feeling the baby move :)
how are you feeling? I really have been feeling pretty good this week. I've been having quite a bit of "heaviness" in my lower abdomen this week. I can definitely tell things are growing and getting larger.
Development this week: Today starts week 19 of development. This week the little one is 6 inches long and a full half pound, about the size of a large mango. Vernix caseosa-a greasy white protective substance-now covers the baby's sensitive skin to protect it from the surrounding amniotic fluid. Without this protection, the little one would look very wrinkled at birth. The coating will shed as delivery approaches. (According to What to Expect When You're Expecting)