Saturday, March 30, 2013

8 Months

Oh my I can't believe our baby girl is already 8 months.  She is so close to a year.  Sad :(

Weight: 16lbs (Eric got on the scale with her the other day)
Length: 25 1/2 inches (we measured her but she was pretty squirmy)
Eating: We are now doing solids 3x a day, so I really think this has helped her gain some weight.  She nurses in the morning not long after we get up, then she gets 1/4cup of oatmeal with 1.5oz of breast milk and 1oz fruit, then 5oz bottle at 10:30, then at 11:30 2oz fruit & 2oz vegetable for lunch, 5oz bottle at 2:30, nurses at 5:30, followed by solids including 1-2oz meat and then 2-3oz vegetables, nurse right before bed.  This month we have really started feeding her some food off our plate.  It's so fun to watch her enjoy new foods (broccoli, strawberries, pancakes, bread, pasta, meatloaf).
Bedtime: Sometimes she skips her early evening nap, so if she does then bed time is between 8-8:30.  Early this month she kept waking up at 2:30 wide awake jabbering away.  We adjusted some of our feedings to help out with this. We realized if we do her solids early in the evening for some reason she sleeps better than if we do the solids around 7 after that evening nap.
Awake: She is awake for about 2 1/2 hours at a time right now with some stretches of 3 hours.  Usually afternoon-evening are longer stretches.
Naps: She will take about a 30 minute nap in the morning at 9:30 and then an hour and a half nap from 12:30-2:00.  We do a nap again 5:30-6:15ish.  That last evening nap she is usually out, so we wake her up so she doesn't sleep too long.
Diapers: size 2
Clothes: 6 month clothes, jammies are 6-9 month.
Favorites: So just 2 weeks ago she figured out how to pull up to standing.  It's crazy!!!  She figured it out and then the next day she pulls up on EVERYTHING!  It's so cute but this stage comes with lots of falls and tears.  She has had a bruise on her forehead :(  Just last week she took a few steps behind her toy.  (I have a video I will try to upload).

Top Two Teeth!

Bottom Two!

It definitely was a challenge trying to get good pictures this month as she is just on the move.  This is such a fun age as she is exploring and soaking everything up.  Mommy & Daddy love you very much!!!

I matched!

Sorry I'm a little late...

Wow so these past few months have been crazy and full of lots of emotions.  I submitted my rank list February 20th, found out I matched on March 11th, and found out where on March 15th.  Talk about anxiety!

Eric, Alexis and myself will be making the move to St. Louis sometime in May.  I matched at Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital.  I couldn't be happier.  Eric and I are very excited.  We aren't sure if St. Louis will become our forever home or not, but we are excited to spend the next 3 years there.  We are so excited to finally have a good baseball team to go watch.  Of course I looked up the Ranger's schedule and they will be in St. Louis at the end of June for a 3 game series.  Of course we will be going and sporting our Rangers gear.  (we will all need to get new shirts but that's another story)

We are starting the relocation process including looking for places to live and job hunting for Eric.  I will keep yall posted on our new adventure.