Weight: 10 lbs (Eric held her and got on a scale, so this isn't exactly accurate)
Eating: She is still breastfeeding. I'm so proud of myself for making it 3 months. It was kind of questionable as far as rotations and pumping, so I'm super excited we have made it this long. She has been BF around 6:15 in the morning before I go to work, then taking 4-5 oz of EBM at 9:15, 12:30, and 4:00. Then she BF around 6:30 and 9:00pm. She was waking up around 4am to eat but these last 2 weeks for whatever reason she has been getting up at 2am. I'm ready for her to sleep through the night :)
Bedtime: Her last feeding is typically around 9:00pm and then she is in bed by 9:30.
Awake: She is typically awake for 90 minutes in between naps during the day. In the evenings that is stretched out to about 2 hours. We are still working on our evening routine to get her to have her last feeding later in hopes of sleeping through the night. While awake she is either playing under the activity center or doing tummy time. She typically just jabbers away.
Naps: She typically takes about an hour nap after getting to Ms.
Julia's in the morning. Then she will take another hour and a half nap
late morning. Then in the afternoon she will take about a two and a
half hour nap. Then in the evening she might doze off in the swing for
30 minutes. Naps seem to have stayed consistent.
Diapers: size 1
Clothes: 0-3 months although she has to wear NB pants. She has outgrown the 0-3 month footed pjs, so she is in 3 month pjs.
Favorites: She loves her tongue. She has figured it out these last few weeks and it is constantly sticking out. She also always has her hands in her mouth. She has figured out how to grab things. She loves her Mr. Moose and Moose Kisses (see pictures above). She loves Miss Caterpillar that hangs on her activity center. She loves looking at the baby in the mirror. If she is super fussy we just go into the bathroom so she can see herself. She loves to talk to us.