Last Wednesday my mom and I met with the DOC at the hotel where the reception will take place. We finalized all of the little details. YAY!!!
Then on Friday I had my bridal portraits taken. I can't wait to see the fabulous pictures that Jessica was able to get. I really do have an awesome photographer! I just love her style. Lets just say yellow field, dead grass, and run down ballpark with a bride in white! :)

I've also printed all of our wedding invitations. Eric designed the invitations for us, and I printed them out on a new laserjet printer that my Dad purchased just for this special project. Thanks Dad!!!!

Now I just have to cut them out including all of the little inserts, RSVP, Map, and Hotel cards. We have 130 invitations, but I'm hoping to get them all sent out this week. I'll post a picture once I get the invitation all put together.
you look amazing!