The wedding was perfect! I can't believe how smooth it went. I was thinking I would be stressing out the morning of. I had some great friends who helped keep me calm all morning. I felt like it was just a girls day hanging out having fun. Thanks girls!

It didn't really hit me that I was getting married until I heard the music for the bridesmaids. Then when my Dad and I stood behind the door for us he started saying how proud he was of us two and I started to tear up. Then the doors opened and I had a HUGE smile on my face. Then I saw Eric and was trying so hard to hold back the tears.

Eric was really nervous about standing up in front of everyone, so right after the giving of the bride I gave him a baseball that said it's just like a baseball game I <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">

The ceremony was perfect!!! Bobby did such an amazing job showing our personality through the ceremony. LOVED IT!
Then on to the Reception and it was great! Everything was PERFECT! The room was beautiful, the food was excellent, and I loved getting to see everyone. We didn't get to make it around to all of the tables to say hello, and I'm so bummed about that. There were so many people I didn't get to say hi to :(

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