Life as a medical student doesn't really allow for a maternity leave. Alexis was born July 30th which I was technically still on my cardiology rotation. I only missed 2 days of the rotation, so the school is allowing me to pass the rotation. PHEW!!! I was to start my next rotation on August 1st. Luckily I scheduled a research month for August. What that means is I was to use the month to finalize my big clinical research project I did during my fellowship. This included analyzing the data and typing up my manuscript. This is all something that could be done at home. Well I didn't quite get it finished but shhh don't tell the school that.
I had to schedule ER this month due to some scheduling conflicts for October. The October rotation was to start September 24th. With ER you are just required to get 15 shifts in. Well that being said I had to go back to work on Saturday September 1st. I was not excited to be leaving Alexis so soon.
Eric's parents drove up for the holiday weekend which was nice to allow
Eric to have some back up if he needed it with his first time being by
himself with Alexis for more than an hour. I had no doubt Eric would be
fine, but it is just nice knowing there is help available if needed.
Eric did a great job sending me pictures through out the day while I was
at work to help me out. Here are some of the pictures Eric sent me while I was at work. They all made me laugh and put a smile on my face.
The first picture I got that morning. This is what she looked like when she woke up. haha I just love this picture. It's like she's saying "What?" with that arm up out of the swaddle. |
In the mamaroo taking a mid morning nap for daddy. |
She got some new toys during a trip to Target. The pink light is like a glow worm but it's a seahorse. She loves it! |
Laying on the bed talking with Daddy after getting up from a nap and diaper change. |
Tummy Time! |
Daddy was teaching her how to Box, "Bob and Weave" |
That special moment when I got home and got to hold my baby girl. I just cried! |
It definitely was hard, but I am just that much closer to becoming a doctor. :)
You are absolutely amazing! Our baby girl is 3 weeks old and I have barely done outside of looking after her (which I don't think I'm doing that great of a job of anyway) but to think that you are coping so well with work as well - simply amazing!