Sorry I didn't get to post a 31 week post. I was in Chicago last week for a very intense medical course. Class was 8-6 followed by an evening of reviewing the material. I will try and post about that later.
how far along? 32 Weeks, Wednesday 6/6/2012
how are you measuring? 33 cm (I've been consistently measuring 1 week ahead)
heartbeat? 150
total weight gain/loss? 26.5 lbs
maternity clothes? Yep. No hiding this pregnant belly
sleep? Last week in Chicago was rough as far as sleep. I feel like I've been sleeping better this week.
best moment this week? Seeing the crib put together. Eric surprised me on my birthday. That will go in my Chicago post, so I will post a picture.
movement? The movements now are more like rolls than distinct kicks. Every now and then I will get a big ol kick but not too often. It's obvious this little one is running out of room. Baby is head down with the spine to my left and feet over on the right side of my belly. Or at least that's what I think.
food cravings? Nothing really right now.
gender predictions? I'm still thinking girl. Hopefully less than 8 weeks until we know.
what i'm looking forward to: Our first baby shower is Saturday!!! I'm so excited to see everyone. It is all coming so fast and baby Adcock will be here before I know it :)
how are you feeling? I really am feeling pretty good. Not really miserable yet. I hope that continues as we are entering into the summer heat :)
how are you feeling? I really am feeling pretty good. Not really miserable yet. I hope that continues as we are entering into the summer heat :)
Development this week: Today starts week 33 of development. Baby is gaining weight almost as fast as I am, averaging out to about half a pound a week. The grand total weight at about 4 1/2 pounds. He or she may grow a full inch this week alone. The amniotic fluid level has maxed out, there's no more room for fluid now. This explains why those kicks are sometimes uncomfortable, there's less fluid to cushion to blows. Antibodies are also being passed from you to baby as the little one continues to develop his or her own immune system. These antibodies will come in handy on the outside and will protect your baby to be from many of those playground germs. (According to What to Expect When You're Expecting)
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