total weight gain/loss? ?I'll find out at my appointment next week.
stretch marks? Nope. I have started slathering my stomach with Burt's Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter.
sleep? So I've been getting up every night to use the restroom. I usually try to hold it which keeps me awake in bed for a little while before I do get up. I've still been restless, but I feel like when I am asleep it's great sleep.
best moment this week? Celebrating Christmas with Eric. We had a pretty low key Christmas day: church, nap, basketball, and a movie. Can't believe this was our last Christmas just the two of us. Next year we will have a little one who will be almost 5 months. Crazy!
movement? Nope nothing yet
food cravings? I just can't get enough Clementines. So yummy! Nothing sounds good to me at all and I haven't really had much of an appetite lately.
what i'm looking forward to: Getting my step 2 boards over. I take the big test January 11th, so I have now become a hermit for the next 3 weeks.
how are you feeling? I've been feeling pretty good considering I'm pregnant. I've had some queaziness in the evening a few times this week but nothing horrible. I still haven't thrown up so that's good! I've been feeling kind of weak though but not much appetite. I feel like I'm having to force myself to eat something.
(I will probably start the baby bump pictures next week.)