Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wedding Update

Florist: I signed a contract and paid the deposit for the florist.

DJ: My mom signed the contract and sent the deposit for the DJ.

Save the Dates: I have some AWESOME friends who came over last night for spaghetti and helped me assemble and address the save the dates. Thank you! They went in the mail today. :)

The picture is a magnet for the fridge, and it's in a matching sage green envelope. :)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Meal Planning

Ok, so I've done meal planning before. I've seen some meal planning on blogs, so here is what I will be cooking this week. Wildtree helps make the meals simple, for example spaghetti in 15 minutes! If it's in Green it's a Wildtree blend. Here is my meal planning for the week.

Monday: Pork Tenderloin, Ranchers steamed Squash & Zuccini
Tuesday: MBA class at night, so I'll pack a salad
Wednesday: Jalapeno Chicken breasts, black beans, Spanish Rice
Thursday: Tortilla Wraps with Wednesday left overs
Friday: Spaghetti and Garlic Toast
Saturday: Meatloaf with Buffalo Meat :)

Wildtree is an all natural line with no preservatives, additivites, or food dyes, no MSG, no High Fructose Corn Syrup, and low sodium. There are a lot of great blends that help make meals quick that taste great and still healthy for your family. Shoot me a message if you want to look at a catalog. It has helped make cooking in the kitchen fun again.

What's for dinner at your house?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bad Luck Wednesday

Eric did not have a good day today :(

He was in a car accident. Don't worry he was not hurt. I was talking to him while it happened. All of a sudden I heard oh no stop, and then um baby I was just in a car accident let me call you back. The first thing out of my mouth was "Are you ok?"

So he was at the exit of his apartment complex waiting for traffic to open so he could pull out. There was a car that was coming from his left and was turning into the apartment complex. It was raining out and the lady behind the guy trying to turn in could not stop in time. She rear ended that guy which made him slide into Eric's front end. Eric spoke to the lady's insurance company tonight and thank goodness her insurance is covering everything even the rental car.

Sad day :(

Personal Topic

Ok so here is a recap from the last personal topic about birth control options. Well after speaking to the doctor I decided to go ahead and try the IUD. She told me since I have never had kids before, I could possibly cramp more. Well I got it put in yesterday. The actual process of getting it inserted was not bad really. She said I actually did really well considering I've never had a kid.

I did fine all day yesterday and then lastnight came. I was in so much pain lastnight I could not sleep. I couldn't get comfy at all. I had a heating pad, took a hot bath, took meds and everything. I was kind of miserable. I woke up fine this morning and did really well all day today. Today around 5 I started to cramp a little. Then come 7 it got really bad. Now I'm laying in bed with the heating pad. I really hope the cramping does not last too long.

Any suggestions on dealing with cramps other than naproxen and heating pad? I have taken 1400 mg of Naproxen today which is A LOT! haha Please pray for me that this cramping does not last too long. :(

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Innappropriate Name

Ok so you know how you can get pictures and messages printed on M&Ms. Well I got on their website to check out the prices. I thought about doing this for the wedding. I also wanted to see what messages we could put on there. I filled out the message part with the following two messages:


Mr & Mrs

I click submit to view the M&Ms, and this is the message that came up.

"You have entered an inappropriate or offensive word for your message. Please choose another message."

My new last name is considered inappropriate. HAHA

I guess I really love Eric to accept an inappropriate lastname :)

Newspaper Announcement

Cartwright, Adcock engagement announced

Date: Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Eric Adcock and Brittnea Cartwright

Morris and Cindi Cartwright of St. Paul have announced the engagement of their daughter Brittnea to Eric Adcock of Richardson.

He is the son of Melvin and Donna Adcock of Greenville.

The bride-elect is a 2004 graduate of Wylie High School and a 2008 graduate of Stephen F. Austin State University. She is a medical student at Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences.
The prospective groom is a 2002 graduate of Greenville High School and a 2006 graduate of the University of Texas at Dallas and is a graphic designer.
The wedding is planned for Feb. 20, 2010, at Royal Lane Baptist Church in Dallas.

Save the Date

Eric designed our save the dates. :) He is so creative. We are still tweaking the teal color. It is going to be on glossy good quality photo paper, and the picture is going to be a magnet. My parents are so gracious enough to print the picture on a magnet for us.

Monday, October 12, 2009

My Brain Hurts

I have finals this week, and I have been studying non-stop. My first one is tomorrow, pathology practical. There are 9 questions and that's it! I really don't think it will be that bad. I've been looking over the material a ton! Then on Wednesday is our OMT practical. I will study for that tomorrow night. I've looked over that material some, but I'm not too worried. Thursday is the big guy, 180 questions! I started studying for this thing last weekend!

I'm starting to hit a brick wall and burnt on studying, so please say a prayer for me that I keep on studying. On a good note, I get to see Eric in 72 hours!!! He is flying in Thursday night for a weekend of quality time together.

The only wedding talk that will happen this weekend is we are registering Friday morning and premarital counseling Sunday after church. I'm so excited for a weekend with just the two of us. We might go look at apartments on Friday as well. We have a few in mind that we want to check out. YAY!!!

Alright back to studying. Wish me luck and please pray for me :)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Personal Topic

Alright, so I'm warning you this is a personal topic. I guess since I'm going into the medical field, I'm use to personal topics. I expect my patients to be open with me so why not be open as well.

I'm going to the doctor this week to determine a birthcontrol method that works for Eric and me. I am wanting to create an informed opinion prior to the appointment. I would love your opinion on this topic. If you have a method that works for you let me know. If you have a method that failed let me know. If you stopped a method due to side effects let me know.

The possibility of getting pregnant right now during medical school is not an option. It's not due to selfish reasons, we just will not be able to provide for a child right now. I will be starting rotations in August 2010 and residency in 2012. The hours will be crazy insane and very stressful. I still will not have an income but I will have debt from student loans, so why bring a child into the world knowing we would have to use government assistance.

As of right now, I'm leaning towards an IUD. I am horrible at remembering to take a pill at the same time everyday. I was on birthcontrol in the past for my acne. I would skip a day or two, just because I would forget!!! Then I tried the nuvaring, but that was just uncomfortable. I've heard great things from other people about the ring, so maybe I inserted it wrong? haha

Let me know your thoughts! If you don't want to post on here but would email me that would be awesome! Thanks for being open with such a personal topic.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Plans for the Weekend

I will be spending the entire weekend studying neuroanatomy. I did not do as well as I wanted on my test, so I'm studying my butt off. I'm going back to learn the material that I thought I understood for the last test. Our final is comprehensive. :(

Eric changed my facebook password, so I can't get on facebook this weekend. I want it to be a very productive weekend. I sat through a lecture today on ADHD, and I think I have ADHD. (I'm writing this post while I'm at the school studying haha) I'm trying to get rid of all the possible distractions.

My finals are not for another week, but I want to be well prepared. Now on to schizophrenia, psychosis, and anti-psychotic drugs. WOOHOO!